So you're out there dating and you just can't figure out why you aren't finding "the guy." You think you may be doing something wrong, but don't know what it is.

Well, there are tons of things that could be happening. The first two that come to mind are:

  • You are giving him too much attention. I know, how could you possibly give someone too much attention? Doesn't everyone want to feel special? Well, yes and no. It is very cliché, but men like the chase - and I wouldn't be telling the truth if I said we women don't. We all like it, its human nature. Thus, calling someone constantly, telling them how great they are all the time, and showering them with gifts gets old after a while. I mean seriously, what do you have to work for? So just take it slow and make him work for your attention.
  • Second, women give their bodies away too soon. Many, many people will disagree with me on that. However, men want a woman that respects herself and treats herself expensive. Sleeping with him on the third date because he said he loves you is not treating yourself expensive. That is more like Target or K-mart. Who really strives for K-mart? At that point, a woman has nothing else she can give to a man...and he has most likely not even made a genuine commitment to her and has gotten all he wants already. Sounds like a good deal if you like being single.

So ladies, hang in there. Treat yourself like you are a prize to be won, and you will reap the long term benefits. Men can tell when a woman cares about herself, and a good man will like her even more because of it.

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