Common Acronyms

AFK = away from keyboard
IMO = In my opinion
IM = Instant Messaging
GTSY = glad to see you
N/A = Not Applicable
N/S = Non-Smoker
POV = Point Of View
THX = Thanks
LOL = laugh out loud
GMTA = great minds think alike
BRB = be right back
HAGN = have a good night
L8R G8R = later gator
LMHO = laughing my head off
POOF = I have left the chat
SYS = see you soon
SWAK = sealed with a kiss
TX = thanks
WB = welcome back
*W* = wink
*G* = giggle or grin
*H* = hug
*K* = kiss

Common Smileys

:- ) = smile
: ) = smile
;- ) = wink
:’ = crying
^5 = high five
:-0 = shocked or surprised
^ = thumbs up
= unhappy
>:- ( = angry
:-D = laughing
:-> = devilish
You can also see more smileis at here:- Not so Common smilies