It's not like you don't want to spend money on your date - it's just that one of the disadvantages of being a teenager is lack of money. A date should be something special to remember and to spend some quality time with your bf/gf out of school

  • Picnic in the Park: A lovely quiet lunch next to a river, overlooking a mountain, a garden, a nice quiet park, or even next to a large shady tree is the perfect setting for a date. Pack a picnic the cheap way - by throwing in leftovers and a container of ice tea or lemonade.
  • Playground: Play hide and go seek, chase each other around the park, or find a quiet place to sit in the shade. If there's sand at the playground you could have a sand castle competition, or you could sit on the swings and just talk.
  • Rollerskating/Rollerblading: Grab your rollerskates or blades and go skating! If you don't have any skates, ride bikes instead. In the Winter, ice skating would be perfect!
  • Movie/Pizza night: To make your own mini pizzas, toast either english muffins/bagels, then top with cheese, spaghetti sauce, and a few toppings. Throw them in the microwave for 20 seconds, then watch one of your favorite movies together.
  • Photo Album: Grab your camera and go walk around town taking funny pictures of each other, or ask other people to take funny pictures of you. Create a scrapbook of the fun times you have together, and use those photos.
  • Board Games: Set up a card table somewhere quiet and peaceful, or take a few games outside in your backyard. Challenge him/her to competitive games like chess, checkers, scrabble, etc. or play something fun and easy like Monopoly, Life, PayDay, or card games. Be sure to make up a few bowls of party snacks..
  • Day at the Beach: Alright so you might not be one of the lucky people who lives near a beach, but if you do, that's great! Walk along the shore, pick up seashells, and make sand castles together. If you aren't even remotely close to the ocean, there's always an about running through sprinklers on your front lawn?
  • Stargazing:'s a beautiful clear night and your bf/gf are lying in the grass looking up in space while shooting stars and satellites fly by every so often. Sounds like a perfect date to me!
  • Winter/Fall Fun: If it happens to be Winter and snowing out, making snowangels and having a snowball fight sounds like a lot of fun to me. You could build forts, go sledding, then warm up by the fire with a nice mug of hot chocolate. If it's Fall, rake leaves and take turns jumping in them.
  • Romantic Candlelight Dinner: What better way to spend an evening than enjoying your own candlelight dinner with your date? Find a quiet table - even if you have to use the patio set outside or a picnic table, and dress it up with a fancy tablecloth, candles, and a formal dinner setting. One of you brings the main course, and the other brings the desert. Wear your best clothes, and enjoy your peaceful dinner together.